This unique Cherry Orchard in Erickson BC operates both a "Rent A Tree" program as well offering classic U-Pick for those just visiting during the harvest season between late July & August
With community and sustainability as one of their key values, the Rent-A-Tree program allows you rent a tree to harvest with your family each summer! And if the tree "owner" doesn't come to harvest? The lush cherries are repurposed to local food banks and shelters or sold to support orchard maintenance in true keep-it-local style.
Alternatively, individuals just here for a short visit can also book to come U-Pick your own smaller quantities of Cherries to take home for your future home-made pies, canning, freezing, jamming and so much more.
*** Please note that harvest season can change from year to year, so it is advisable to contact the orchard to check the harvest timing and book your U-Pick.
3403 Beam Rd, Creston, BC